Deciduous Fruit Trees - what can you expect as we head towards Winter?

Deciduous Fruit Trees - what can you expect as we head towards Winter? (Featured Image)

Most importantly - don't be alarmed if the leaves on a deciduous tree start to turn yellow and brown and then drop off! This is a normal process as they enter a state of dormancy for the colder months. This change is triggered both by shorter daylight hours and also the drop in temperature.

Deciduous trees draw down into their branches, trunk and root the stored energy from their leaves; this helps them survive the cooler months. Come Spring they will quickly shoot away.

During Winter deciduous trees will use limited energy, so you generally will not need to apply much - if any - fertiliser.

Because there are no leaves (or very few) they transpire, less so watering can also be reduced though always ensuring that the soil holds enough moisture that the roots don't begin to dry and dessicate.

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